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Ready for Lift-off + Our Referral Program Winners Announced

Earphones. Check. Plugs. Check. The REDMAGIC. Double check.

Your device is ready for lift-off.

With the REDMAGIC phones and vouchers now boxed up, we’re now counting down to the moment they’re in your hands. Are you as excited as we are?

Before we send them off, we want to thank you again for backing us on Indiegogo. The campaign reached heights we previously didn’t think possible. We hope our smartphone does the same.

As for our testers, the beta program manager will reach out to you with more details soon.

Oh, and with our campaign at an end, that means we have winners from our referral contest!

To find out if you won, head over to the dashboard on your Indiegogo profile and click on the ‘Referrals’ tab. If you’re a winner but haven’t received a message from us, please get in touch.

Have a stellar week, guys.